
A Reflection on Blogging


Thank you everybody for visiting, sharing ideas and commenting on my blog posting

Actually I heard about blog for many years.  I used to think, Blog is just for teenager to write thier story of life like diary on web but I already changed my mind since I have to create and maintain my Blog in this course. I think Blog is one of wonderful learning tool and I can say it is very easy to create one, students in Grade 3 can create it and make a good job with their blog in my project - Assignment 3.

I have learned many thing from Blogging, the process of creating and maintaining a web log(BLOG). I have learned a lot about social networking and I had opportunities to learn about various technological learning tools through my classmates' blog postings. I think there are wonderful blog and provided good information.

What did I learn from this experience? I got a lot of knowledge and it improve writing skills,with a lot of writing and it also stimulate our creative ideas to surface.It is really good that we can share and express many ideas in ourmind, discussion and give comments on the articles inside the blog.  This following mind map, I created it to summarize what I learned form Blogging.

 My Blog on Blog and Digital Storytelling!

Blogs can be important tools for sharing useful information and tips among co-workers, dispersing information to students, or keeping in contact with parents. (Blogs in Education).


Wilairat said...

I like your mind map that you created to summarize what you learned form Blogging.It's wonderful because it can represent everything from your blog. Your blogs are always well done.

Benjamas said...

Thank you for visiting my blog and always give me a useful comments. Glad to know that you learned many things from my blog and you like my mindmap :) Thanks again for all of your comments and your compliment ^^ Your Blog is wonderful too!

Thinnakorn said...

Hi Benjamas, it's always surprising to visit your Blog! You always have a wonderful style of presenting contents in your Blog and most of the pictures and videos are original. I have learnt a lot from your Blog.

This is a great reflection! I like the mindmap presented here. Excellent idea ideed! Wish you all the best.

Benjamas said...

Thank you very much. I learned a lot from your blog as well. Wish you all the best :)

Vivi said...


I will miss you and your cute blog. Thank you for showing me so many wonderful information.

Benjamas said...

I will miss you too. Glad to know you :)
I learned a lot from you and thank you for all of your comments. Wish you all the best.

Leigh said...

Cherry, it was very obvious from your work that you enjoyed blogging. I really enjoyed reading your posts this semester, and I think your mind map really captures what can happen with blogging very well. Excellent work!

Benjamas said...

Special Thanks for you who alway encourage me and share a good information to me. Morever, Thank you for your kindness and you are very helpful. You are a part of my Blog. ^^ Thank you agian and wish you all the best ka :)

Leigh said...

Cherry, it was wonderful to be able to work with you and your colleagues again. =) I hope that perhaps one day I may see you again when you visit Syracuse!

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