
Blog and Digital Storytelling - powerful learning tools

Time flies..We are coming to the end of this course. Last 3 months, I never think how effective of Blog and Digital Storytelling but after I have created and maintained my blog, I realize that they are wonderful learning tools. I learned a lot and it engage me to think more and research more.

Blog : How powerful of Blog! As everyone know we are use Blog as a learning tool in this course and we learned a lots by read ,share idea and give comments to others' blog. Moreover, I used blog in assignment3 and students really enjoy using Blog as a tools and it increase student's creativity and learn more from Blog.
Digital Storytelling : When students are using technology they are in an active role. Students are making choice about how to Generate, Obtain, Manipulate, or Display information. Digital Storytelling helps develop visual and multimedia literacy and provides students with a competitive and compelling voice. Moreover, it helps students write more effectively and allows students to learn and present in their individual learning style

I would like to thank you everyone for all comments and shared ideas in this "Blog and Digital Storytelling" Blog.

This video below provided what students think about blog?


Vivi said...

So nice to know you. And I really leart a lot from your blog for both of the topics you chose.
Wish you all the best in the coming new year, and also our SPRING FESTIVAL!!!

Benjamas said...

Glad to know you too. Wish you all the best. Hope we have a chance to meet each others in one day. I also learned a lot from you ^^
Take a good care,

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