
Making your own digital storytelling book

Would you like to create one Digital storytelling book? I found 'My Story Maker' in carnegielibrary website. It let's you to create charecters ,objects and also write sentences for you. But you still have to edit and create any type of story you like.

 First, choose main character. Second, choose your main character's goal. For example, If you choose Travel then you have to select the location. After that you just write the story and add objects you like.
Ready to get students excited about writing? Ask students to create story that  focus on character (who the story is about), plot (what happens in the story), and setting (where or when the story happens).

Once you are done with your story, you can print it out.  Moreover, You can share your story with your friends by telling them your magic number of your story.



Wilairat said...

Cherry.. every time you share your information, it inspires me to try to do it. I lkie to tell stories to my students, so I will follow your information.

Benjamas said...

Glad to know that my information inspires your idea. Ask students to create thier story, it will help students to think more and increase their creativity.

Paponpat S said...

I agree with your new program ,it's so lovely and cuty!I certainly the students will love it.

Benjamas said...

Absolutely,students will love it. Especially they can share their story with friends by print it out or give their magic number to friends.

Vivi said...

It is so interesting that I think not only teachers can use it to improve their classes, but also students can create their own stories.

Ornisa said...

Hi Cherry,
I like your information and added the web you suggested to Favourites. Students will enjoy it I believe. I might ask students to write the stories about field trips here.

Benjamas said...

Absolutely, not only teachers but also students can create their own story. It can help student to improve their writing skill and creative.

Benjamas said...

Glad to know that you like it. I also added it to my favourite. I just found this web about creating story. Hope you like it!

Unknown said...

i want to be a story maker

Unknown said...

i want to make a story!!!!

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