
7 Easy Steps to make a wonderful Digital Storytelling

Step 1: Decide on the Story You Want to Tell - Begin thinking of the purpose of your story. Are you trying to inform, convince, provoke, question?


Step 2: Gather Your Materials - Select the images resources for your story, including: pictures, drawings, photographs, maps, charts and audio you would like to use for your digital story.


Step 3: Begin Writing Your Script - Write a script that will be used as narration in your digital story AND provides the purpose and point of view you have chosen.

Step 4 : Create a Storyboard - A storyboard will help you visualize how the content chunks relate to each other and will help to shape the direction of your efforts as you create your project

 Step 5: Prepare Your Equipment - A desktop computer or laptop. A scanner, if you want to include traditional photos in your story Additionally, if you plan to record interviews, you'll need A recording device such as microphone and video recorder.

Step 6: CreateYour Digital Storytelling - Decide on software and start putting all resources you got together. Combine the sound and the images together in a video editing program. Then add Background Music, Titles, Transitions, and Effects.            


Step 7: Share Your Story- share with your classmates, friends and family. Moreover, you can  publish them on the Internet such asYoutube.


Wilairat said...

Dear Cherry
Your information is useful for the user especially for a new user like me. The step that you present is easy to understand. So wonderful digital storyline will be done from our classmates.

Benjamas said...

Glad to know that my information is helpful for you and someone who want to create Digital Storytelling. Take a look at this website.
It provided a collection of digital storytelling examples.

Vivi said...

Hi Cherry,
These steps are easy understanding and truly helpful for me to create a digital storytelling. Thank you~!

Benjamas said...

Hope you enjoy creating Digital Storytelling by following these steps :) You may skip some step or add more if you want to create your powerful Digital Storytelling . Thank you!

Cheech said...

Well I figured that digital story telling would be a daunting task. After seeing the steps provided, it didn't seem to be that difficult. The main issue must be just getting your hands on the actual equipment.

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