
Two-sided coin

      Every coin has two sides. This compares to everything that has both advantage and disadvantage. In the same way as Blog has. For education, I think Blog is more advantage than disadvantage because it gives more opportunities for students from different places to discuss topics or any ideas to each other. However,it can be disadvantage if people can't manage their time or schedule effectively, Blog will distract your life more or less. Therefore, I  decide to bring up this issue for this week to discuss. As everyone is interested in using technology in Education, we should know all the technology in two sides, shouldn't we?.

Advantage of using Blog

      1. Blog sites can be developed with the help of simple procedures.
      2. A blog post goes public, in other words, it can be accessed and read by almost everyone who have an access to internet.
      3. The usage of blogs are very convenient, hence people tend to use them more frequently.

Disadvantage of using Blog
      1. Blogs are easy to start but hard to maintain.  It involves a lot of time to update and post an entry on the blog site.
      2. Writing coherently is one of the most difficult and time-consuming tasks.
      3. It is not suited for issues requiring immediate solution.


TahTah said...

Hi Cherry,
I think Blogs is good.For me blogs like our diary that we can update or edit it. Moreover, we can follow other friends' Blog.

Benjamas said...

Tah Tah,
That's right. Blog is very good and I feel really enjoy following other's blog and your blog as well.

Wilairat said...

I agrre with your blog that compares advantages and disadvantages of blog. For the side of disadvanage I am worried about misuse of teenagers.I see an example from my teeenage son and daughter. I would like to see them use blog for knowledge than anything else

Benjamas said...

I agree with you that we should encourage students to participate appropriately and politely.

Cheech said...

Bloogin can keep people in front of the computer for hours. Some people are obsessed. I agree, it seems like a lot of time and energy can be spent doing this. I have heard of people who have neglected their familes and jobs over this obsession and people wonder why obesity is at an all time high.

At the same time though, the amount of information and knowledge a blog contains about important topics is infinite and that is important.

Vivi said...

Hi Cheery~! I believe the advantages to keep a blog in Education is obvious. For me, I think the most difficult is to maintain the blog.

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