
A Reflection on Blogging


Thank you everybody for visiting, sharing ideas and commenting on my blog posting

Actually I heard about blog for many years.  I used to think, Blog is just for teenager to write thier story of life like diary on web but I already changed my mind since I have to create and maintain my Blog in this course. I think Blog is one of wonderful learning tool and I can say it is very easy to create one, students in Grade 3 can create it and make a good job with their blog in my project - Assignment 3.

I have learned many thing from Blogging, the process of creating and maintaining a web log(BLOG). I have learned a lot about social networking and I had opportunities to learn about various technological learning tools through my classmates' blog postings. I think there are wonderful blog and provided good information.

What did I learn from this experience? I got a lot of knowledge and it improve writing skills,with a lot of writing and it also stimulate our creative ideas to surface.It is really good that we can share and express many ideas in ourmind, discussion and give comments on the articles inside the blog.  This following mind map, I created it to summarize what I learned form Blogging.

 My Blog on Blog and Digital Storytelling!

Blogs can be important tools for sharing useful information and tips among co-workers, dispersing information to students, or keeping in contact with parents. (Blogs in Education).

Blog and Digital Storytelling - powerful learning tools

Time flies..We are coming to the end of this course. Last 3 months, I never think how effective of Blog and Digital Storytelling but after I have created and maintained my blog, I realize that they are wonderful learning tools. I learned a lot and it engage me to think more and research more.

Blog : How powerful of Blog! As everyone know we are use Blog as a learning tool in this course and we learned a lots by read ,share idea and give comments to others' blog. Moreover, I used blog in assignment3 and students really enjoy using Blog as a tools and it increase student's creativity and learn more from Blog.
Digital Storytelling : When students are using technology they are in an active role. Students are making choice about how to Generate, Obtain, Manipulate, or Display information. Digital Storytelling helps develop visual and multimedia literacy and provides students with a competitive and compelling voice. Moreover, it helps students write more effectively and allows students to learn and present in their individual learning style

I would like to thank you everyone for all comments and shared ideas in this "Blog and Digital Storytelling" Blog.

This video below provided what students think about blog?

Movie Maker or iMovie

Now I think everyone feel like to create your own Digital Storytelling. There are many programs that for creating Digital Storytelling by insert pictures,audio and video but for this week I would recommend you to use Moviemaker program which is bundled in Microsoft XP Operating Systems or use iMovie which is bundled in Mac OS X

Movie Maker


Windows Movie Maker 2 makes it easy for just about anyone to make movies on their computer. Just build your storyboard, edit your clips, add music, and you'll have your first movie ready to go!
This video below is the tutorial of Window Movie Maker :


iMovie  makes viewing and working with video as intuitive as enjoying your photos. A built-in library automatically organizes your video, so all the clips you've captured and movies you've created are just a click away. With its revolutionary interface, iMovie makes it quick and easy to browse your library and create new movies.
This video below is the tutorial of iMovie.


7 Easy Steps to make a wonderful Digital Storytelling

Step 1: Decide on the Story You Want to Tell - Begin thinking of the purpose of your story. Are you trying to inform, convince, provoke, question?


Step 2: Gather Your Materials - Select the images resources for your story, including: pictures, drawings, photographs, maps, charts and audio you would like to use for your digital story.


Step 3: Begin Writing Your Script - Write a script that will be used as narration in your digital story AND provides the purpose and point of view you have chosen.

Step 4 : Create a Storyboard - A storyboard will help you visualize how the content chunks relate to each other and will help to shape the direction of your efforts as you create your project

 Step 5: Prepare Your Equipment - A desktop computer or laptop. A scanner, if you want to include traditional photos in your story Additionally, if you plan to record interviews, you'll need A recording device such as microphone and video recorder.

Step 6: CreateYour Digital Storytelling - Decide on software and start putting all resources you got together. Combine the sound and the images together in a video editing program. Then add Background Music, Titles, Transitions, and Effects.            


Step 7: Share Your Story- share with your classmates, friends and family. Moreover, you can  publish them on the Internet such asYoutube.

Making your own digital storytelling book

Would you like to create one Digital storytelling book? I found 'My Story Maker' in carnegielibrary website. It let's you to create charecters ,objects and also write sentences for you. But you still have to edit and create any type of story you like.

 First, choose main character. Second, choose your main character's goal. For example, If you choose Travel then you have to select the location. After that you just write the story and add objects you like.
Ready to get students excited about writing? Ask students to create story that  focus on character (who the story is about), plot (what happens in the story), and setting (where or when the story happens).

Once you are done with your story, you can print it out.  Moreover, You can share your story with your friends by telling them your magic number of your story.


How powerful of Digital Storytelling in Education?

Why is Digital Storytelling significant? As everyone commented on my blog that we learn and know many thing. Therefore, I think it would be beneficial for students if teachers use Digital    Storytelling as a learning tool. Let's share your idea what do you think about using Digital Storytelling  in Education. What is the benefit?


Digital storytelling has many benefits, many of which my students experienced while completing their digital stories. 
    • Helps develop visual and multimedia literacy.
    • Provides students with a competitive and compelling voice.
    • Helps students write more effectively.
    • Encourages self-directed, self-motivated learning experiences.
    • Teaches technology, information, and visual literacy.
    • Allows students to learn and present in their individual learning style
    • Learning taking place at the upper level of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
    • Addresses Texas Technology Application TEKS, specifically under the communication strand.
    • Encourages cross-curricular learning.

A picture is worth a thousand words

A picture is worth a thousand words

Do you agree with this Adage? Let's see this following video that my school used to present new Assumption Collge Rama II Campus". This will give you the idea on what I would like you to know about Digital Storytelling and share your idea.