
Learning without Limits with BLOG

For this week, Our topic in discussion board is about Assisstive technology. When I tried to search information about AT, I found many blogs about learning disabilities. So I realize more how beneficial of using Blog. Especially for share your experience or useful information to others. 

 If use effectively, blogs can create a learning environment that extend beyond the schoolyard.

There are many resources available on the internet to help students, parents, and people who work with learners with disabilities. From professional advice to personal experiences, this list of blogs will help anyone interested in discovering more about learning disabilities.

The Top 3 Blogs about Learning Disabilities
  • ADHD & LD Resource Blog is an excellent blog for people looking for more information about not only ADHD, but other learning disabilities as well.
  • Dyslexia Blog provides information for parents of children with dyslexia. The wide-ranging articles and information are an excellent source for parents who want to help their children succeed.
  • Dyslexia My Life is a comprehensive blog about one person’s experience with dyslexia, as well as resources and information about the disability.



Ornisa said...

The information about ADHD is great. They are from direct experience and very practical. Blogs are really helpful for sharing people's experience.

Wilairat said...

I like all links that you provided,they are really helpful. I learned many new things from others blog and also from your blog. I think blog is great learning tool for education. Especially for sharing your experience.

Benjamas said...

Ornisa and Wilairat,
That's right. Blog is really helpful. It is place for students and individuals to share their articles and opinions with people outside their community. Moreover,Blog can used as online class forums enables students with various personalities to participate in a discussion far more effectively than they can otherwise.

Vivi said...

Hi Cherry~How g1reat blogs can help disabled people to learn and live! They are able to share their lives with each other. At the same time, they can encourage those people who have the same difficulties as well.

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