
Definition of Blog

What is a Blog?

A Blog – a shorthand term that mean “Web log” is an online, a web application which contains chronological collection of personal commentary and links. Easy to create and use from anywhere with an Internet connection.

There are many group blogs such as family blogs, community blogs, and corporate blogs , LibLogs (library blogs), and EduBlogs (targeting education).

In educational settings, University and School are using blogs to express their opinions,to promote dialogue in the discipline, and as an instructional tool, and students are increasingly using blogs both as personal commentaries and as a required part of certain courses.


Thinnakorn said...

Blog is a very convenient tool to reach larger cyber communities. You are very clever to have this topic for your Blog. It's Blog in Blog! Wow! Blog Blog and Blog!

TahTah said...

Thank you! for your comment and if I have any problem about open source I'd like to ask you first coz my topic is your favorite topic.

Paponpat S said...

I love blog coz there's a convenience way to share idea with each other,so let's blog blog and BLOG!

Benjamas said...
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Leigh said...

Cherry, this is a great blog post! I like how you have kept adding more information as you learn it.

Benjamas said...

Thank you for your compliment, I will put more information, Blogger tips and tricks soon. Let's enjoy Blog Blog and Blog ^^

Benjamas said...

Hi Tah Tah
Absolutely! We can share all we know and this is a really good website about opensource software

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