
How to add gadget to your blog ?

For many reasons we need to add gadgets to the blog. Here you will get step by step process to add gadgets. There is also a video tutorial below. Many of may think what Gadget is. So I will shortly describe it here.

What is a Gadget

A gadget is a small technological object (such as device or an appliance) that has a particular function, but is often thought of as a novelty. Gadgets are invariably considered to be more unusually or cleverly designed than normal technological objects at the time of their invention. -------by
So gadget is a small application that is used to make your work more easy.


How to Add Gadget

Step 1: Login to Blogger and go to Layout Tab.
Step 2: Click on Add Gadgets or Add page element Tab.

how to add gadget

Step 3: Search for HTML/Javascript . Then click on it.

Adding gadget to blog

Step 4: Now paste your code there. Then save it.


You are done !! : )


Cheech said...

With regards to gadgets, I feel that gadgets inevitably will help you expand on the productivity of any blog, website, learning site etc. I look forward to reading about all the gadgets that are out there to make the management of blogs, websites and learning sites easier.

Benjamas said...

It has many kind of Gadgets. One is a simple JavaScript applications that can be embedded in our Blog and I agree with you that gadget can make blog more helpful for the user such as this javascript about adding google search in your blog.


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